Journaling Through the Major Arcana

Gaining clarity about your life and dreams, with guidance from your soul.

In this 22 day course, using the major arcana from the Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine, you begin to understand your life from the soul's perspective. You begin your journey by following The Dreamer as he makes his way along the path, influenced by each of the major arcana cards.

By journaling each day, using the prompts provided, you begin to see patterns in your life. You will notice blocks that are preventing you from moving forward, toward your dream.

There is also an action step each day to help you understand where you are in your life, and what steps you can take to move toward the life you desire.

Spending twenty two days looking inward for answers, is the first step toward a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


This course uses the Angel Tarot Card Deck published by Hay House Inc.

Journaling Through the Major Arcana, takes the student through the 22 cards of this portion of the tarot deck. The major arcana represents the overall arching themes in your life. It is the major events that happen in your life, as opposed to the daily rituals and routines. Some say that the major arcana represents the lessons that your soul is here to learn, and this is part of my teachings. This is a journey through your soul's path.

By spending time each day working with the journaling prompts and completing the action items, you begin to see where you are blocked in your life. You gain clarity as to what is really keeping you stuck, and not moving in the direction that you desire. It is surprising what participants discover during this journey. Most discover a new perception of what is driving their life.

How the Course Works

Each day you receive access to a new lesson. The lesson includes a picture of the major arcana card with which you are working that day. There is a journaling prompt that gives you a starting point to journal what comes to mind. Then there is an action item, which helps you to delve deeper into what you have journaled.

Sometimes these action items might be spending some time in silence, visualizing what your dream life is like. Other times it might be pushing through a barrier that is keeping you stuck in your life. Baby steps are the goal! Taking action is the only way to make change in your life. It is my desire to help you begin to take the first steps on your new journey through your life.

What you need

You will need to have a notebook or journal to use with this course. You can get a fancy journal or a plain notebook. Decorate it however you want. Make it your own. Make it a tool that you want to use. This is going to become a part of every day for the next 22 days.

I recommend having a physical book for writing your thoughts and experiences in, rather than just an electronic journal. There is something more connective in physically writing on a page rather than just typing onto a screen.

Remember, this is just my suggestion. Whatever tool you feel most comfortable using over the next 22 days is the right one for you!

How much time does this take?

This depends on you.

The journaling prompts can take two minutes or twenty, depending on how you want to approach them. You can set a timer for an allotted time, like five minutes, and then stop at the time limit. Alternatively, you may want to write until you feel that you have written all that you want to. The only wrong way to do this is to avoid doing it!

The action items usually take 10 - 15 minutes, but again this can vary depending on how much detail you want to record about your experience. There are a couple of days where this might be longer, or it is something that you will be doing as you go about your day.

The amount of effort you want to put into the course is entirely up to you. The results that you achieve are dependent on your effort. You may also want to repeat the course at different times in your life. Each time you go through Journaling Through the Major Arcana, you will discover something different about your life.


"I really enjoyed working with the daily prompts from the tarot cards. I found myself connecting to my life in a more meaningful way. I began to see patterns in my life; patterns that were preventing me from achieving what I really want in my life. The action steps weren't always easy, but they helped me gain confidence in myself and my dream."

Patricia, Penticton BC

Your Instructor

Shelley Kitching
Shelley Kitching

Hi! I'm Shelley Kitching, the founder of Soul's Direction, and creator of the school.

I am passionate about helping women who are ready to make a change in their life, and are willing to do the inner work. Having struggled with depression for most of my life, I realize how difficult it can be to take action and make changes to the life that you are currently living. I spent years looking for something outside myself to make me feel better, to trigger my sense of belonging.

I tried self help books, traditional therapy, retail therapy. I moved from city to city, looking for happiness, looking for meaning in my life. But nothing worked. It was only when I learned how to connect with my spiritual self, my soul, that I began to understand my path to a fulfilling life. I discovered tools that helped me to connect with my authentic self, and begin to live from that place within me that knows my truth, my reason for being.

Some of the tools I discovered are more conventional, such as understanding what values I want to be driving my life. Others are not as conventional. They include metaphysical tools, like tarot and oracle cards, numerology, and chakra work. Meditation.and journaling are core tools that I use daily.

Having discovered tools that worked for me, I realized that I wanted to share them with others, so that they too might find lives that fulfill them. Driven by this passion, I became certified in Soul Coaching®, and Archangel Life Coaching. I am a Certified Angel Card Reader™, and an Infinite Possibilities Trainer.

I incorporate all of my training and studying I have undertaken, into the courses that I create, and the coaching sessions I offer. I know that reaching out for the brass ring and living the life that you have only dreamed of living, is not easy. It takes courage. But even more than that, it takes a willingness to show up and do the work.

If this describes you, I want to work with you, to help you connect with your inner knowing, your soul, and start living the life you were meant to live.

Welcome to my school.



Course Curriculum

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?
This is a great question. The purpose of this course is to use journaling with the Angel Tarot Card Deck, to gain clarity into your life. If you know that there is more to life than what you are currently living, or if you feel your soul is trying to tell you something, but you are unclear of what that message is, this course is for you.
Do I need to have worked with tarot cards in order to take this course?
No experience with tarot is necessary for this course to work in your life. The tarot cards are a tool to help you focus as you look inward to find answers to your life questions.
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
If within the first 7 days of the course, you decide that this isn't for you, please contact us to arrange a full refund.

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